Biblical Principles of Finance: 2350 Verses on Money and Possessions

Explore 2350 Bible verses on money, possessions, and stewardship. Discover God's wisdom on finances and how to align your heart with His will. Understand why the Bible emphasizes financial stewardship and its connection to faith.

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Discover a comprehensive resource: 2,350 Bible verses on money and possessions, meticulously compiled by Howard Dayton in 1973. This collection, born from a life-altering study, fueled the creation of this website for finances God’s way, empowering countless individuals with biblical financial principles. Use this resource to understand God's teachings on stewardship and cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. This website is completely free to use for studying biblical finances.

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Unlock financial wisdom with the Bible. Learn to be a faithful steward, practice generous giving, avoid the trap of greed, plan wisely, and trust in God's provision. These verses offer a path to financial freedom and a life of purpose beyond material wealth.

God's part

God's part

God is the ultimate owner of all the earth and its fullness, according to biblical texts. Divine sovereignty is demonstrated through God's control over events, nations, and individual hearts.

Our part

Our part

God granted humanity dominion over the earth, positioning us as stewards responsible for His possessions.Faithful stewardship, obedience, and trust in God bring blessings, while disobedience and reliance on self lead to consequences.



Scripture encourages avoiding debt, viewing it as a form of servitude, and emphasizes the importance of repaying obligations. Biblical examples illustrate both the burdens of debt and the blessings of being debt-free, with a focus on God's provision and the importance of financial responsibility.



Scripture strongly encourages seeking and heeding wise counsel, emphasizing its role in achieving success, wisdom, and guidance. Conversely, rejecting godly counsel or following wicked counsel leads to negative consequences, including failure, strife, and even destruction.



Scripture acknowledges the inherent dishonesty of the human heart and provides numerous examples of dishonest behavior. God demands absolute honesty, emphasizing truthfulness in all aspects of life, and provides guidance on how to overcome dishonesty and restore broken relationships.



Giving is presented as a test of faith, love, and lordship, with emphasis on the attitude of the giver, which should be loving and cheerful. Scripture highlights the benefits of giving, including increased intimacy with God, heavenly rewards, and earthly blessings, and discusses tithing as a form of giving.



Work is God-given and necessary, but should be balanced with rest and worship. All honest work is honorable when done for God. Laziness is condemned, while overwork is discouraged.

Savings And Investing

Savings And Investing

Saving and investing are acceptable with proper motives, prioritizing God over wealth and including generosity. Scripture warns against greed and hasty riches, emphasizing diligence, planning, and providing for family.



Parents are responsible for consistently teaching their children good values through daily life and example. Early, diligent instruction helps children develop strong moral foundations that guide them into adulthood.



Prudent financial management involves understanding one's resources to meet needs and achieve goals, while orderly planning and wise counsel are essential for successful outcomes and a life that reflects God's peace.



Contentment is a learned state enabled by God, not an inherent human trait. It arises from trusting in God's provision and desiring Him above material things.



Coveting is explicitly forbidden in Scripture, carrying severe consequences and disqualifying one from God's kingdom. It's considered idolatry, and examples of its destructive power are given to warn believers.

Evil uses of money

Evil uses of money

These passages illustrate the corrupting influence of money, showing it as the motive behind betrayals, attempted genocide, and murder.



Greed is condemned as idolatry, hindering one's inheritance in God's kingdom. Scripture warns against its destructive nature, illustrating how it leads to wickedness and exploitation, and ultimately results in God's judgment.



Idol worship is strictly forbidden, as idols are man-made and detract from God's sovereignty. Greed is equated with idolatry, and God judges those who engage in it, while blessing those who destroy idols and turn to Him.



God is impartial, and so should we be. Scripture condemns partiality towards both rich and poor, especially in judgment, emphasizing fairness and humility as essential Christian attitudes.



Paying taxes is a biblical command, affirmed by Jesus and the Apostle Paul, recognizing governmental authority. Examples throughout Scripture illustrate this principle, while also showing instances where exceptions were made.



Scripture strongly condemns oppressing the poor, emphasizing God's protection of them and His judgment against those who mistreat them. It calls for justice, mercy, and active help towards the vulnerable, highlighting that how we treat the poor reflects our relationship with God.



The Bible presents a nuanced view of possessions: while God can bless with wealth, it warns against its dangers, emphasizing that true riches lie in a relationship with Him. Possessions are temporary, cannot buy salvation, and can lead to pride, separation, and spiritual unfruitfulness.



These passages address various aspects of business, finance, and human nature, highlighting the dangers of greed, dishonesty, and misplaced priorities. They emphasize the importance of integrity, contentment, and reliance on God in all aspects of life, including business dealings.

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